በኢፌድሪ ንግድ ሕግ አንቀፅ 366፣ 367 (2) እና 370 እንዲሁም በአክስዮኑ መተዳደርያ ደንብ አንቀፅ 13 መሰረት የአደዳይ አነስተኛ የፋይናንስ የቋም አክስዮን ማሕበር የባለአክስዮኖች 10ኛ መደበኛ ዓመታዊ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ ሕዳር 18/2017 ዓ/ም ከጥዋቱ 3፡00 ሰዓት ጀምሮ በትግራይ ሴቶች ማሕበር የመሰብሰብያ አዳራሽ ይካሄዳል። በመሆኑም የተከበራችሁ የአክስዮን ማሕበሩ ባለአክስዮኖች በዕለቱ በጉባኤው ላይ እንድትገኙልን የማሕበሩ የዳይሬክቶሮች ቦርድ ጥሪውን ያስተላልፋል። 1. ማሕበሩን የሚመለከቱ ዋና ዋና መረጃዎች የአክስዮን ማሕበሩ ዋና መስርያ ቤት አድራሻ ከተማ መቐለ፣ ክፍለ ከተማ ቀዳማይ ወያነ ቀበሌ 15 1.1 የአክስዮን ማሕበሩ የምዝገባ ቁጥር MFI/038/2014 1.2 የአክስዮን ማሕበሩ የተፈረመ ዋና ገንዘብ (ካፒታል) 60,600,000.00 1.3 የአክስዮን ማሕበሩ የተከፈለ ዋና ገንዘብ (ካፒታል) 53,600,000.00 2. የአደዳይ አነስተኛ የፋይናንስ ተቋም አክስዮን ማሕበር 10ኛ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ አጀንዳዎች የጉባኤው አጀንዳ 1. ለውይይት የቀረቡ አጀንዳዎች ተወያይቶ ማፅደቅ 2. እ.ኤ.አ በ2023/2024 (2016 ዓ.ም) የቀረበ የዳይሬክተሮች ቦርድ ቦርድ የስራ አፈፃፀም ሪፖርት ተወያይቶ ውሳኔ ማሳለፍ፤ 3. እ.ኤ.አ በ2023/2024 (2016 ዓ/ም) የቀረበ የውጭ ኦዲተር ግኝት ሪፖርት ተወያይቶ ውሳኔ ማሳለፍ፤ 4. እ.ኤ.አ የ2024/2025 (2017 ዓ.ም) የስራ እቅድ ተወያይቶ ማፅደቅ 5. የአደዳይ አነስተኛ የፋይናንስ ተቋም አክስዮን ማሕበር የአክስዮን ዝውውር አስመልክቶ የቀረበ አጀንዳ በመወያየት ውሳኔ ማፅደቅ፣ 6. የአደዳይ አነስተኛ የፋይናንስ ተቋም አክስዮን ማሕበር ከተመሰረተበት ከሰኔ 26/2014 እ.ኤ.አ ጀምሮ የተጠራቀመና ያልተከፋፈለ ትርፍ እና ከተለያዩ ድጋፍ ሰጪ አካላት የተገኘ የድጋፍ ገንዘብ ለመወሰን አስመልክቶ የቀረበ አጀንዳ በመወያየት ውሳኔ ማፅደቅ፣ ማሳሰቢያ 3.1 በጉባኤው ላይ መገኘት የማይችሉ ባለ አክስዮኖች ተወካዮቻችሁ የውክልና ስልጣን ባለው የመንግስት አካል ተረጋግጦ የተሰጠ የውክልና ሰነድ ዋናውና ፎቶ ኮፒው በመያዝ ወይም በንግድ ሕግ አንቀፅ 377 መሰረት ጉባኤው ከመካሄዱ ከሶስት ቀናት በፊት ለዚሁ ዓላማ በማሕበሩ የተዘጋጀውን የውክልና ቅፅ ሞልተው በመፈረም ተወካይ መሾምና ተወካዩም የውክልና ማስረጃውን በመያዝ የጉባኤው ተካፋይ ለመሆንና ድምፅ ለመስጠት የሚችሉ መሆኑን በአክብሮት እንገልፃለን። ሆኖም አነድ ባለ አክስዮን በማሕበሩ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ በማንኛውም ችሎት መወከል የሚችለው አንድ ሰው ስለመሆኑ መገንዘብ ያስፈልጋል። 3.2 የአክስዮን ማሕበሩ ባለ አክስዮኖች ወይም ሕጋዊ ወኪሎቻቸው በጉባኤው ላይ ለመሳተፍ ሲመጡ ኢትዮጵያዊ ዜግነታቸውን የሚያሳይ የታደሰ መታወቂያ ወይም ፓስፖርት ወይም መንኛ ፈቃድ ዋናውና ኮፒው በመያዝ በጉባኤው ላይ መሳተፍ ይችላሉ። እንዲሁም ትውልደ ኢትዮጵያውያን የሆኑ የውጭ ዜግነት ያላቸው የማሕበሩ ባለአክስዮኖች ትውልደ ኢትዮጵያውያን መሆናቸውን የሚያረጋግጥ ቀኑ ያላለፈበት መታወቂያ (ቢጫ ካርድ) ይዘው መቅረብ እንዳለባቸው በአክብሮት እናስታውቃለን።
Secure your future with Adeday Microfinance Institution!!!
Adeday Microfinance Institutions S.C (AMFI) was established by the initiation and financing of the Women’s Association of Tigray (WAT) officially on 24 June 2014. It is active in providing financial services in the Tigray region after obtaining a license from the National Bank of Ethiopia.
Active Customers
Group Customers
Our Branches
Our Employees
Core competencies
Saving products that are provided by AMFIs can be grouped into two compulsory saving and voluntary saving. Currently, we have a total of 130,007 clients getting financial services in all our branches throughout the region. Out of our clients, we have 84,627 savers (74.20% are women). The outstanding deposit is Birr 587,504,521.97.
The institution has established a system of access to loans for the community with due focus on women. It introduces a 70/30 lending strategy, 70% of the loan will be deployed to women, while the remaining 30% to other community members.
The credit service is considered to be helpful in the development program of the region and the food self-sufficiency movement. The credit service covers all the low-income groups of the society but also gives priority to women's households.
As per the credit regulation of AMFI, the activities that are eligible to access loans from this institution mainly focus on sectors where women are highly engaged. These include agriculture, manufacturing, trade, and service provision.
In order to give high quality and speed services, to be competitive in the financial industry, and to be trusted by customers, AMFI tried to connect its 40 branches via the core banking system and to be benefitted from CBE Birr Mobile banking service.
This is a type of saving product where loan borrowing and non-loan borrowing clients can save money in Adeday Microfinance Institutions S.C. Saving accounts are opened within the institution based on depositors’ free will by individuals, groups, associations, clients and other potential savers.
Read MoreFixed Time Deposit, sometimes named as Fixed Deposit, is a type of saving where individuals, associations and governmental and non-governmental organizations save money for a definite period of time (days, months, years) in order to get better interest rate, as agreed by both parties or as per MFI’s policy. At this time, Adeday Microfinance S.C allows from 10-12% interest rate.
Read MoreThe compulsory saving is a deposit type in which an individual or groups of individuals keep or maintain as a pre-requisite to obtain a loan or to use it as a guaranty or security. It is also named as mandatory saving or saving of security.
Read MoreThis loan will be aimed to farmer borrowers including in urban agriculture, who agree to secure either individual or joint guarantee to the loan for purchasing of agricultural inputs.
Read MoreOur main loan product is designed for businesses engaged in small and medium enterprises.
Read MoreThis type of loan is granted to any eligible individual and cooperative borrower for building “70 Kare housing typologies” and any other modalities accepted by city and town administrators.
Read MoreIn construction, partial settlement of the purchase price of condominium, small shop construction, building additional classes, Masonry, painting, ceiling, and corrugated sheet of iron, Electrical and Sanitation, and for other related purposes.
Read MoreAdeday MFI has an objective to meet its social objectives by empowering women entrepreneurs and made special privilege by providing less interest rate and relatively long-term loan.
Read MoreThe purpose of this loan is to finance salaried or income earner individuals to fulfill their personal needs such as asset acquisition and school fees…etc.
Read MoreThis line of credit is mainly intended for financing Adeday MFI’s staffs. It is lesser than the conventional Consumer loan. The staffs access the loan with lesser interest rate.
Read MoreCrafting financial security, our Insurance Services for institutions provide comprehensive coverage tailored to the unique needs of financial entities.
Read MoreEmpower financial inclusion with our Microfinance Transfer Service, facilitating seamless and secure fund transfers.
Read MoreElevate your business with our Consultancy Services – expert guidance tailored to optimize operations and fuel strategic growth.
Read MoreEfficiently manage financial transactions with our Cheque and CPO (Cash Payment Order) Services.
Read MoreNavigating the Financial Horizon with Integrity and Innovation
For any kind of loan, you have to come to our office to contact our customer service officer. And you can get any information about the criteria to get a loan. If you fulfill the criteria you can get the loan in a short period.
Adeday provides credit/loan amounted from birr 30,000.00 up to 1300,000.00 depending on the interest of the customer who are requesting the credit/loan. When the loan round increases the amount that you can borrow will increase accordingly.
Adeday Microfinance Institutions operates in all woredas of the Tigray region with 50 branch offices. You can get the exact place of our branches on Our Location page.
Adeday Microfinance Institutions require holding 10% of the loan as a security deposit for loans to deposit before disbursing the approved loan for its customers. In addition to that fixed asset guarantee may be required for some types of loans.
Adeday Microfinance Institutions differ from other MFIs by its women centric policy and operational excellence. On this basis, 70% of the loan will be deployed for women, while the remaining 30% to other community members. Any customer who needs loan can get the loan within a short period of time if he fulfills the requirements.
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